Almost crashed my drone into a wire… close call?

I was flying my drone and came super close to hitting a wire. I thought I was above it, but apparently not. Now I’m wondering, has anyone else had a close call like this?

You really didn’t see the wire? That’s kind of hard to believe.

Eli said:
You really didn’t see the wire? That’s kind of hard to believe.


You’re lucky the wire wasn’t live. It’s usually just a ground wire to protect against lightning. Still, flying near power lines is risky, and this is why doing a proper site check is important.

Zion said:
You’re lucky the wire wasn’t live. It’s usually just a ground wire to protect against lightning. Still, flying near power lines is risky, and this is why doing a proper site check is important.

Even if it was live, nothing would’ve happened unless there was a path to ground. Biggest risk is your drone crashing or getting stuck.

The real risk is flying too close to obstacles, period.

Zion said:
You’re lucky the wire wasn’t live. It’s usually just a ground wire to protect against lightning. Still, flying near power lines is risky, and this is why doing a proper site check is important.

Clearly, ‘avoiding obstacles 101’ wasn’t on your checklist.

This is why people need to get a license to fly drones.

Sidney said:
This is why people need to get a license to fly drones.

Some folks really shouldn’t be flying at all.

Sidney said:
This is why people need to get a license to fly drones.

A license won’t fix a lack of common sense though.

Sidney said:
This is why people need to get a license to fly drones.

This is why maintaining visual line of sight is critical. Hitting power lines could cause serious problems.

Ren said:

Sidney said:
This is why people need to get a license to fly drones.

This is why maintaining visual line of sight is critical. Hitting power lines could cause serious problems.

Where OP lives, this could’ve started a major fire.

It’s shocking that OP thought posting this here was a good idea. Comes off as tone-deaf.

You even touched the wire? That’s crazy.

If that caused damage to the power grid, you’d be paying thousands, if not more.

Lian said:
If that caused damage to the power grid, you’d be paying thousands, if not more.

Might’ve landed you in jail too.

Lian said:
If that caused damage to the power grid, you’d be paying thousands, if not more.

Birds touch these wires all the time, and they’re fine. A drone isn’t going to cause a disaster unless it’s something extreme.

What else besides birds touches them? Maybe squirrels?

Uma said:
What else besides birds touches them? Maybe squirrels?

Yep, squirrels and other climbers.

West said:

Uma said:
What else besides birds touches them? Maybe squirrels?

Yep, squirrels and other climbers.

Also, ice or snow depending on the area.