Looking for the best part 107 study guide and practice materials. Anyone used Pilot Institute or another resource that worked well?
A while back I shared what I used to pass the part 107 test and it got a lot of positive feedback. I got tired of reposting the links, so I put it on my website. Here’s the link: Part 107 Study Guide - ADAM-PAUL
I’d say follow the FAA’s official guide and maybe check out some YouTube videos. There are plenty of good ones.
I used Pilot Institute and passed with a 93. It took me a few hours each day and about a week to get through the course. You could do it by yourself with online resources, but you’d need a lot of self-discipline. The structure of Pilot Institute really helped me focus. I actually feel like I learned something, not just how to pass the test.
I agree with Pilot Institute. It’s the best course I’ve found. Mr. Migs on YouTube also has a solid free course.
Zion said:
I agree with Pilot Institute. It’s the best course I’ve found. Mr. Migs on YouTube also has a solid free course.
Also, there’s a part 107 app that’s a great study tool. You can pay weekly for it, around $6.
Honestly, there isn’t really a ‘best’ study guide. They all cover the same material. The best one is the one that fits your learning style, but you won’t know that until you try.
Prepware Remote Pilot is a good option too.
Chen said:
Prepware Remote Pilot is a good option too.
You can find it in the app store.
I watched this video about 3 times, studied practice questions, did extra YouTube searches, and reviewed the official handbook. I passed after studying for a few weeks, a couple hours every other day to keep the info fresh.
Edit: Forgot the video link.
Watched what?
Hollis said:
Watched what?
I added the video link in the edit. Sorry about that lol.
Hollis said:
Watched what?
I added the video link in the edit. Sorry about that lol.
No worries, thanks for adding it!
Pilot Institute is very thorough.
I also recommend Pilot Institute.
I created a custom GPT model using ChatGPT and gave it the 3 FAA PDF guides. Then I started asking it questions and had it generate practice tests for me.
If you can learn to read the maps, you’ll be able to handle most of the chart questions. Not all tests are the same though, I had at least 6 completely different questions than my dad did.
Read the FAR/AIM.
I think Pilot Institute is the best choice. Follow their course and you’ll pass with no problem. They even offer a money-back guarantee, but almost everyone passes. Plus, their material is always up to date, which is more than I can say for some of the other options out there.