First time flying my Avata 2… what a ride!

Took my Avata 2 out for its first flight today, and wow—what an experience! Got some sick shots, but I definitely had a couple of close calls. This thing is crazy fun!

Whoa, you got real close there… Make sure it’s not your last flight! :joy:

Caden said:
Whoa, you got real close there… Make sure it’s not your last flight! :joy:

Nah, it handles that kind of stuff fine as long as you’re in Normal mode. It’s actually pretty insane how well it holds up. Plus, DJI Refresh Courage is a real thing. :laughing:

Honestly thought this was gonna be your first AND last flight with that opening shot. :joy:

Hart said:
Honestly thought this was gonna be your first AND last flight with that opening shot. :joy:

Same here! I was ready for the crash clip. :joy:

Try not to chase wildlife. Also, yeah… that was way too close to the snow. Almost had an unplanned landing there. :sweat_smile:

Nice! Loved that you included the deer that made the tracks—it really made the whole clip feel complete.

Those snow track shots were :fire: and I love that you didn’t mess with the wildlife. I was expecting some dumb stunt like flying through their legs or something. Respect.

Dude, you almost wiped out in the snow. :joy:

S/o to Action Bronson, baby!!! Just got my DJI Flip—would love to make vids like this someday.

Holy crap, that was CLOSE. :flushed:

Awesome shots! :+1: What settings did you use to record? I’m really interested in the vertical crop effect.

You were this close to a crash. Heart stopped for a sec. :joy:

Can’t fly over snow without two waivers, three spotters, and six redundant parachutes. :nerd_face: Calling the FAA now. :laughing: