Everyone’s talking about these drones being spotted all over the US. Honestly, I’m convinced it’s just some people here having fun with their drones. What do you guys think?
Bet they aren’t even DJIs, just some random off-brand stuff.
I haven’t seen any real proof that these sightings are anything serious. Feels like people are just misidentifying planes and helicopters. Problem is, all this attention might bring more rules and restrictions for drone users.
Rules are one thing, but the real danger is people shooting at drones. I work for the FAA, and honestly, the reports we’re getting don’t show any big increase in drone activity. Most reports are either exaggerated or unclear. I’m not saying I know what’s going on, but it doesn’t seem like a big deal. Probably just new tech making people uneasy.
Exactly. And the bigger issue is the risk of people shooting at planes or helicopters, thinking they’re drones. Those bullets have to land somewhere, and someone could get hurt.
“The FBI and DHS released a statement saying that many recent sightings in New Jersey were likely just planes. They also said there haven’t been any confirmed drone sightings in restricted airspace.”
Willow said:
“The FBI and DHS released a statement saying that many recent sightings in New Jersey were likely just planes. They also said there haven’t been any confirmed drone sightings in restricted airspace.”
Maybe, but it kind of feels like they’re just saying that while they figure out what’s really going on.
Willow said:
“The FBI and DHS released a statement saying that many recent sightings in New Jersey were likely just planes. They also said there haven’t been any confirmed drone sightings in restricted airspace.”
I thought that too, but after last night, I’m convinced they aren’t planes. These things were hovering in one spot for hours, about 1,000-2,000 feet up. I’ve been flying drones at night for years, and I’ve never seen anything like this before!
I think all the media hype is just making people more eager to report sightings, even if it’s nothing. And seriously, why would anyone trying to stay hidden fly around with bright lights giving away their position?
It’s probably just kids. Flying drones at night is easy and totally legal in most places.
I tried using my Drone Scanner App, but nothing showed up. Maybe they were too far, or they weren’t broadcasting Remote ID.
Let’s be real. The simplest explanation is probably the right one. These drones are lit up with bright lights, so it’s likely someone trying to fly legally but messing up their clearance or permissions. Now everyone’s freaking out and making it into a conspiracy.
I saw six of them last night. They stayed in the same spot for hours, about 1,000-1,500 feet up, even moving behind clouds. They were triangular with green, red, and white blinking lights. It was wild. I thought about using my Air3 to check it out, but figured police or someone were already tracking them and didn’t want to get in the way. This was near the southern Jersey coast.
Whoa! About the police tracking them, it’s funny because everyone keeps saying that, but I’m not sure anyone’s actually following up on this.