First time in the USA. What do I need to know?

Hi guys,

I live in Italy and I’m registered as UAS operator here (I’ve put also the needed QR code on my drone, which is registered on the D-Flight portal).

I will be in the USA next January for my first time and I wanna bring my drone with me; I own a DJI MINI 2SE (so a drone under 250gr.) and I will fly only for recreational purposes.

I will cross these States: California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana and Florida.

I’ve already my ‘TRUST completion certificate’, my ‘confirmation of identification’ and my’Small UAS certificate of Registration’ issued by FAA.

What about the apps? It is so confusing since the B4UFLY app is not working anymore. Which app I need to check the area? Can I request LAANC permission?

So: am I ok? Am I missing anything? I know that is a federal crime flying a drone without being compliant with all the american regulations and I wanna only taking memories and not being arrested for my errors or something stupid.

Thanks in advance for all your replies/suggestions.

Hope you have a good trip and enjoy your time here!

I don’t know what the cultural response to drones is in Italy, but the most prominent phenomenon encountered here in the US is that operating a drone anywhere near people will make someone think you’re spying on them. People here are fucking crazy and many have guns. So be very cognizant of your surroundings. Be as discrete as possible and if confronted for any reason, just apologize, pack up and leave. You may have every right to fly where you are, but if you encounter any aggression, back down.

I know this sounds really alarmist. More than likely nothing would/will happen, but definitely be careful about where you fly, even apart from the actual laws/regulations.

Thanks for this answer, It reality helps me

Olin said:
Thanks for this answer, It reality helps me

Happy to add some context for operating a drone in the US. I hope you have fun, though!

Olin said:
Thanks for this answer, It reality helps me

Just remember, while it won’t guarantee to stop someone crazy enough, it is illegal to shoot at a drone in the US. If you are in a public setting where no one has a reasonable expectation of privacy, like a park, then you are probably okay. Just don’t be looking into people’s windows or such.

Understood! Thanks a lot for your reply! Should get you started with the info you need

Make sure to check local and state laws before flying your drone. FAA has most jurisdiction. Pilot Insatiate has a list of all state and local town laws since these won’t be shown on airspace maps

Since you’re traveling to California and Arizona, I’m going to guess you plan to see some National Parks? Check drone laws BEFORE you fly there, as there’s legal issues with taking off and landing inside the parks.

per that document, “I would like to fly my small unmanned
aircraft in a park for recreation. Are there any
options available?
Check the park website to see if it is an allowed
activity at the park. If not, check with the
park superintendent to see if an area can be
designated within the park, and/or a special
use permit can be obtained.”

Enjoy your trip and hope you enjoy this country

Just check to make sure there are no regulations preventing operations from the ground. B4UFLY apps only show you where you have permission to use the airspace.

And yes, the individual B4UFLY app is discontinued. It was replaced by a general service:

I’m also curious to know how long it took to get your Confirmation of Identification once you filed for it.

Welcome! We’re in Utah and it’s a great place to fly. Tons of public land available to fly. The biggest thing to know is that flying in the 5 national parks is off-limits. The state parks have drone permits available for purchase. Designated wilderness areas are also off limits.

I use the b4ufly app from AutoPylot to make sure the areas don’t have any restrictions.

Hope you have a great time in Utah!

Oh that app Is fantastic, it really let me able to understand where I can fly! Thanks you, can’t wait to be there!

Don’t let the Karens see you!

Ozzie said:
Don’t let the Karens see you!

:joy::joy::joy: I’m planning a stop in ABQ, that stop. I guess I’m gonna face of of the most famous Karen out there!