Should I replace my drone's propellers after they hit branches?

So I was using the active track feature, and my drone’s propellers clipped some branches. The drone recovered mid-air and seems to fly fine, but I’m wondering if I should go ahead and use the spare props I have. Any advice?

Absolutely! Props are the cheapest part of your drone. Don’t risk the whole thing over a $10 replacement.

Jordy said:
Absolutely! Props are the cheapest part of your drone. Don’t risk the whole thing over a $10 replacement.

But if it still flies, maybe it’s fine? :wink: They don’t look totally ruined.

Haha, yeah, it’s like saying ‘just ignore those missing fingers, let’s go skydiving’ :joy:

The props are what give the drone lift. If there’s any damage, even a small bit, it can throw off the airflow and reduce lift, making it harder for the drone to fly properly. If you want it to work as it should, the props should be in top shape.

Yes, definitely replace them.

One more time for the people in the back: If in doubt, switch 'em out!

Technically, no… but yeah, it’s probably a good idea! I’ve flown with worse damage, especially on slower drones like cinewhoops. Now, if you’ve got a major crack, then yeah, replace it right away. But if it’s minor chips, it’ll probably still fly.

Ky said:
If you’re unsure, just replace them. Props are super cheap compared to your drone. Think about it: would you rather spend $10 on props or risk your whole drone?

Good point.

Yes, 100%.

It’s like $20 max to replace all four props. Way cheaper than replacing the whole drone. Just do it.

Forget the props—time for a whole new drone! :joy:

Even if they don’t look shattered, the plastic could still be weakened from the impact. They could fail mid-flight, and then you’re risking a lot more than the cost of a few props.

Props are considered consumables—you should be changing them regularly anyway. They’re cheap, and it’s easy to swap them out.

I hope this is just a joke.

YES. Replace ASAP.

Yeah, it’ll fly now, but you’re taking a risk. Props are cheap on AliExpress—just replace them and save yourself the worry.

Just snap off the other orange tip to make it balanced! :laughing: /s

Definitely yes. It only takes a few minutes, and props are cheap.
