Skydio CEO says trouble ahead for businesses relying on DJI drones… is he right?

Exactly, most of us aren’t their target customers.

Skydio’s just digging their own hole. People will start building their own drones instead of buying these overpriced models.

Not a DJI fan but this Skydio move is weak. Compete in the market, not through Congress!

Finlo said:
Not a DJI fan but this Skydio move is weak. Compete in the market, not through Congress!

This happens all the time with American companies. Look at Huawei. Now it’s EVs and drones. In a few years, we’ll be stuck with overpriced stuff because we banned all the competition.

That’s exactly what they want—everything overpriced and rented, not owned.

Skyler said:
That’s exactly what they want—everything overpriced and rented, not owned.

It’s wild how ‘own nothing’ sounds like communism but it’s happening in a capitalist system.

Same old story, just different leaders in charge.

Remember when we used to make everything here? Those were the days… kinda.

Nothing constructive to add here, just didn’t like the direction of the discussion.

Vann said:
Nothing constructive to add here, just didn’t like the direction of the discussion.

At least he tried to stand up for his country.

Vann said:
Nothing constructive to add here, just didn’t like the direction of the discussion.

Let’s keep it civil, folks.

Skydio only has to convince a few people to get their way. DJI’s got a tougher hill to climb convincing the public.

Didn’t Skydio stop making consumer drones? It’s impossible to find an affordable American-made drone these days.

I bought a $300 DJI Mini 3 and it does almost everything those expensive Skydio drones do, except for thermal. What a waste of taxpayer money.

DJI’s set the standard. Until Skydio can match their price and reliability, they’ve got no business trash-talking.

Lennon said:
DJI’s set the standard. Until Skydio can match their price and reliability, they’ve got no business trash-talking.

Skydio will never match DJI on price; manufacturing here is way more expensive.

It’s not just cheaper production, DJI’s also got great R&D. Even if Skydio moved manufacturing, they’d still need to catch up on design and usability.

Lennon said:
It’s not just cheaper production, DJI’s also got great R&D. Even if Skydio moved manufacturing, they’d still need to catch up on design and usability.

True, but US manufacturing costs would still hold them back on pricing.

Subsidies are common everywhere; the trick is figuring out what’s fair.

You mean “slave labor,” right?